Since 1994 we have been dedicated to the manufacture and distribution of phytotherapeutic and cosmetic products to pharmacies and parapharmacies.


You can find Valefarma products in pharmacies and parapharmacies throughout Spain. If you cannot find your nearest point of sale, please contact us.


If you have any questions about the products or want to know where you can find your nearest point of sale, please contact us. We are here to help you.



If you would like to distribute our products, please contact us. We will be pleased to help you.


At Valefarma, we have been manufacturing and distributing phytotherapeutic and cosmetic products to pharmacies and parapharmacies since 1994.

Our team of pharmacists and professionals in the sector work every day on the research and formulation of our products to provide maximum effectiveness in their results.

The raw materials are carefully selected to maintain high quality standards, trying to maintain a high level of value for money.

Our main objective is to help improve people’s quality of life with products composed mainly of natural plants, plant extracts and active ingredients applied both in phytotherapy and cosmetics.

We have professionals involved to the maximum in the development and management of our company, to offer quality, speed and special care in the service, being our reference the satisfaction of our customers.

Epigenetic study

It offers wellness and adds value to your service.

Advantages of the service


  • A great added value at your service

  • Positioning in the field of wellness and epigenetics

  • Profits of up to 200% with the realisation of reports

  • Increased product sales

  • Very affordable investment

  • Rapid return on investment

  • Easy to understand and interpret reports

  • Allows you to get to know your patient/client in a much more professional way

  • An easy to use system with minimal training 10. Reports in as little as 15 minutes on key epigenetic influences

  • Programme based on a natural nutritional plan

  • Cutting-edge, focused on the latest science and wellness findings

Epigenetic reports

Welfare optimisation plan

Natural optimisation plan

Fitness optimisation plan

Vegan optimisation plan

Metabolism optimisation plan

Performance optimisation plan

Do you want to work with us?