Spirulina 100 tablets

  • Acts against fatigue.
  • Improves asthenia.
  • Provides protein in diets.
  • Stimulates the immune system.
  • Relieves the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.
  • Regulates blood pressure.
  • Reduces cholesterol.
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It is a unicellular algae, rich in chlorophyll. It is made up of proteins, salts
minerals and vitamins. It also contains chlorophyll, mucilage and unsaturated fatty acids.
unsaturated fatty acids. It is used against fatigue, asthenia and to provide protein in diets.
Proteins: around 57% of the dry weight is made up of proteins. The
The most important aspect of these is their amino acid composition, as they not only contain all the essential
contains all the essential amino acids, but their availability is also very high,
For example, 85% bioavailability has been described for lysine.
Carbohydrates: between 8 and 14%, mainly in the form of polysaccharides, of which the main monomers are
of which the major monomers are glucose, galactose, mannose and ribose.
Lipids: approximately 6%, but both their amount and composition vary depending on the culture conditions.
varies according to growing conditions, mainly light and nitrogen.
If light is scarce, the lipid content will increase as an energy reserve.
Nucleic acids: its low nucleic acid content makes spirulina a suitable product for supplementation.
an ideal product for supplementation in patients with a history of or predisposition to
predisposition to gout, since the metabolism of nucleic acids generates uric acid.
uric acid is generated.
Vitamins: as they are photoautotrophic organisms, they have high concentrations of pigments including
concentrations of pigments, including β-carotene, i.e. provitamin A.
It provides minerals (calcium, zinc, germanium, copper, phosphorus, chromium, iron,
manganese, magnesium).

Presentation: 100 tablets of 400 mg.

Dosage: Take 1-2 tablets with main meals.

Composition: 300 mg. Dehydrated spirulina. Brewer’s yeast and